Marriage Enrichment Weekend Hailed a Success

In a culture where the traditionally held view of marriage and its value to the stability of society is constantly under attack, it was refreshing to see fourteen couples gather to reaffirm their commitment to preserving the sanctity of marriage and family life at the 2024 Marriage Encounter Weekend.  This year’s event was held against the backdrop of the beautiful Verandah Resort and Spa in Antigua from October 4-6 and was facilitated by Bishop Robert Llanos. 

The weekend encounter is designed to help married couples communicate more intimately with one another in order to deepen and enrich their relationship, in an atmosphere that is free from the daily distractions of domestic routines and tensions. 

Drawing on Pope John Paul II Apolostic Exhortation, Familiaris Consortio, Bishop Llanos underscored the importance of the conjugal relationship as a visible manifestation of God’s love in the world. He encouraged couples to “become what you are” and in so doing, to be disposed to discerning the will of God. 

Throughout the weekend couples were able to explore key themes which included effective and loving communication. They were encouraged to challenge and test assumptions, since faulty assumptions also lead to faulty conclusions. And in the context of a conjugal union, such conclusions could have quite deleterious effects. In so doing, couples learn to maintain clear and respectful channels of communication. 

On the issue of love, Bishop Llanos reminded participants that we were all created in the image of God, and therefore we were all endowed with the capacity and responsibility of love and communion. Again, drawing on Familiaris Consortio, he reminded couples that “love is the fundamental and innate vocation of every human being”, moreover that the human body becomes a sharer in spiritual love. Hence, we “love as one being” i.e. spirit, mind and body and therefore love must be “total”. A natural response of conjugal love therefore is to become a living testimony of the “full reciprocal self-giving of the spouses” evidenced by their openness to the creation of life. 

Couples were reminded that the commitment to love each other as declared in their matrimonial vow is unconditional. Therefore, in as much as spouses are inclined to love the best parts of each other, couples were also entreated to embrace the “worst and most broken parts” of their spouse, and to respond with love, ultimately leading to healing and forgiveness. 

The weekend was structured in a way that allowed couples to connect with each other, while also benefiting from the the very thoughtful and open sharing from other couples. There was wide acknowledgement from participants that the weekend was worthwhile and timely, and that Bishop Llanos’ knowledge, experience and wisdom were on full display, and of particular benefit to them as they sought ways to strengthen their relationship. 

This year saw a slight decline in the number of couples who traditionally subscribe to the event, but notwithstanding, Mr. and Mrs Churchill and Efiah Norbert, both members of the planning committee, expressed their delight with the event, and considered it a resounding success. Marriage Enrichment Weekend is sponsored by the Marriage Ministry and takes place on an annual basis.