
Vicar General to 1st Communion Candidates: “Ask for the Grace to Live as A Child of God” 

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Twenty-two children donned their finery as they stood for their first Communion at the Holy Family Cathedral on Sunday, June 24, 2023. For the parents and families it was a most joyous moment, which promised to culminate with festive family gathering of all sorts, and for the rest of the community it was an opportunity to witness the continued growth of God’s kingdom, as well as an opportunity to reaffirm the centrality of the holy Eucharist to the life of the Catholic Christian. 

In delivering the homily, Vicar General, Very Rev. Fr Pierre Tevi-Benissan reminded the congregation of the significance of the Eucharist in our lives. He also reminded the first communicants that what makes this day special is not that they were receiving Jesus for the first time, rather, that Jesus is giving Himself to them in a special way.

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First Communicants along with Very Rev. Fr. Pierre Tevi-Benissan, Rev. Fr. Atsu Jean Paul Sade and catechists.

Drawing on the Gospel of John chapter 6, he recalled the words of Jesus Christ, who declared that “my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink.” He noted, that to many persons, even some of Christ’s followers, this statement was particularly offensive. However, as Catholics, we believe that Jesus is truly present in the bread and wine, and view the eucharist as essential for our continued nourishment. He continued that in the Eucharist, Jesus nourishes and sustains a new life in us, and the more we disposed ourselves the nourishment that the eucharist holds, the more we grow in a greater understanding of what God has done, and will continue to do in each of us.

He went on to note that every time we partake of the Eucharist, we in turn receive a living reminder of God’s love for us and the pledge of eternal life-this eternal life he stressed, “starts from this very moment as we share in this sacrament.” He reflected on the story of Jeremiah in the first reading, who feared that his youthfulness would render him incapable of answering the call of God on his life. Addressing the candidates and their parents, he pointed out that in the final analysis, Jeremiah’s age was never an impediment to him fulfilling the will of God. And in much the same way that God did not abandon Jeremiah, He will also not abandon them. Paraphrasing the gospel of the day, Fr. Pierre reminded all that what we are doing here is not a private celebration, therefore we are to proclaim and share with others what God has done for us today.

He concluded by entreating the candidates to say a special prayer inviting Jesus into their hearts as they receive His body and blood for the first time, and to be sure to offer thanksgiving to God for such a special gift. He thanked the parents and catechists for preparing the children for their first holy communion and urged them to continue engaging in sound catechesis. 

Let us continue to pray for these young people: