
Office of Vocations

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The Diocese of St. John’s-Basseterre serves a very diverse communities across its seven (7) islands. Despite the challenges associated with with our geography, our love for Jesus Chirst is extreemly deep. We are a missionary-minded diocese, and we seek young men to serve as priests, pursuing thier missionary call with a heart of sacrifice and creativity. 

As a diocese, our resources are limited, yet by God’s grace and the unfailing generosity of many, the presence of the Catholic Church continues to be felt in both large and small communities. Pope Francis calls every baptized person to be missionary disciple- an exhortation which has become the ferverent prayer of our own Bishop Llanos. May this call also resound in the hearts of every Catholic residing in the diocese of St. John’s-Basseterre, but most importantly in the hearts of our seminarians and priests.

Have you felt thecall of God on your heart to serve him as a  priest or religious? 

Speak to your parish priest or the Vocations Director, very Rev. Fr. George Williams

Very Rev. Fr. George Williams

Very Rev. Fr. George Williams

Director of Vocations
Fr. George was born on the island of St. Lucia and ordained a priest in the Diocese of St. John's-Basseterre. He is currently the Administrator of the Holy Family Cathedral Parish.