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Diocesan Communication makes accessible the teachings of the Catholic Church and shares the work of the Catholic community in Diocese of St. John’s-Basseterre in multiple media forms: text, image, audio, video and social media.

The world has been experiencing one of the most powerful socio-cultural shifts since the industrial revolution. The introduction and continued enhancements in digital media have transformed the way we think, live communicate, and more importantly, the way we worship. As a diocese, we are ever conscious of the we are convinced that digital technology in and of itself is neither bad nor good, and such state depends on the users’ motives. As such, we are all called upon to avoid divorcing or “Christian actions”in the real world from that in the virtual space.

Over the last few years, we have been caught up in a digital evangelization revolution. This revolution was further enhanced by the recent pandemic. This revolution has seen the Church extending itself on social media, through platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. There have also been massive investments in audio visual equipment to aid in the live streaming of masses and other special events.


In the coming months, the Diocesan office of Communication hopes to roll out a suite of new communication tools to keep the people of God engaged and constantly growing in their faith.

Publications by Bishop Llanos

Catholic Radio

Watch Live Sunday Mass from Holy Family Cathedral

Media Gallery

Watch selected homilies and special masses