Bishop Llanos Celebrates Chrism Mass

The Holy Family Cathedral was teeming with excitement and anticipation on Wednesday, March 20, 2024 Mary Cathedral as priests, deacons, and representatives from the parishes of the diocese joined Bishop Llanos at the annual Chrism Mass. During the Mass Bishop Llanos consecrated the holy oils:  the Oil of the Sick; the Oil of Catechumens (converts to the Catholic faith); and the Sacred Chrism used for anointing during the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and Holy orders (ordination of priests).

The celebration of the Chrism Mass is ancient and symbolically rich, it ranks as one of the most significant liturgical events in the Church outside of Christmas and Easter. By participating in the Chrism Mass, the faithful are offered a great opportunity to come to a deeper appreciation of the sacramental life of the Church.

According to the Roman Missal, the Chrism Mass is also designed to be “a manifestation of the Priests’ communion with their Bishop.” As a consequence, and in addition to the all important act of sharing in the Eucharist with each other, the priests also renew their priestly promises. 

At the conclusion of the Chrism Mass, the Vicar presented the oils to the parish representatives who will take them back their parishes for use  during the Easter Vigil and throughout the year.